
From metawiki
Maybe 3 or 4 original thoughts in this whole thing

To be perfectly clear, all references to metaculture refer to whatever work eventually captures the emergent synthesis of secular spirituality and fulfills the goals described on the Main Page. It does not apply to this specific project, unless it happens to do so sometime in the future.

The authors are fully aware of the realistic probability of this actually happening. Nonetheless, it still needs to be done.

This is an attempt to describe an emerging belief system encompassing many parallel efforts and commonly held ideas. It is what many people already believe, though no existing scripture or doctrine describes it accurately. How could they if many of the concepts (like fractal geometry and evolutionary psychology) are just a few decades old?

To reinforce this notion, metaculture is referred to in the lower case, since it is a descriptive term rather than a name. Other than the title of this page, which is capitalized automatically by Wikipedia.