
From metawiki
Materialism means molecules make matter

Reality is made up of matter. The Universe of matter is everything that is, nothing exists outside of it, be it a supernatural being or consciousness. The principles of logic and time can be said to exist outside the material universe, but that is only because these are inevitable principles of reality, not immaterial beings.

See Materialism on Wikipedia.

Mind Over Matter

The subjective experience of consciousness is often believed to exist outside of the material plane. However, since it is simply a by-product of neural processes in the brain, and it does not have any downward causality that would lead to free will, it should not be seen as conflicting with a purely materialist view of reality.

Spiritual terminology is often used to reference and elicit mental states. These should always be interpreted as allegories for processes within the material universe and their emergent consciousness by-products, rather than literal descriptions of things that somehow exist outside of the universe. This allows you to interface with rituals and other practices that have evolved over centuries to produce higher emotional states, reduce suffering, create in-group bonds, and other benefits, without reliance on any supernatural belief structures that bypass reason and are not subject to scientific inquiry.

What is Materialism?

A guide to Materialism

MODERNS - Matter

Arcane Roots - Matter