
Universal ideas are ones that are culturally neutral because they are backed by scientific evidence, or come from our shared human instincts and experience of consciousness. They are true no matter who you are or where you come from. This includes universal ethics.
Universal laws are the principles that define the universe, like logic, time, and the laws of physics. The Theory of everything page proposes a metanarrative to unify the universal laws of nature, mentally if not mathematically.
Universalist theology is the belief that all religions are different allegories for the same, universal god. Therefore, all religions offer different perspectives and insights on the nature of god and should be seen as analogous and complementary, rather than mutually exclusive.
Pantheism Implies Universalism
Pantheism is the theological tradition present in most religions that suggests there is no difference between creator and creation. Therefore god is the self-creating universe, not some being that exists separately from it.
If god is the universe, then it is most likely the case that all religions are simply different ways of describing that same god, not made-up beings with no common reference point. It also makes more sense than a supernatural universalist god that offers distinct, culturally-specific divine interventions to different people at different times. Humans exist in the universe and need to figure out how to cope with that, so they developed religion.
This is Pantheistic Universalism and is basis for the theology of metaculture.
Getting Specific About Generalities
A main criticism of many organizations with a universalist philosophy is that they are too wishy-washy, that their values are defined in vague ways that are designed to be more inclusive than incisive. There is a social norm in universalist spaces against criticism of others' beliefs, even from a good faith, critical thinking perspective. While it can assist with community building and group dynamics, it is an anti-science, anti-progress position that needs to be overcome in order to create a culture of critical thinking.
Another problem with speaking in generalities is that there is that we identify less strongly with vague concepts than specific ones. When we add complexity, detail, and nuance to the portrait of reality that we paint, there is more for the viewer to appreciate. How can this be done in a way that is still inclusive of diverse subjective experiences and opinions?
Science is the key. Scientific evidence is culturally neutral, even if scientists and their institutions are not. Mapping metaphors from spirituality onto the universal language of science allows for a more nuanced and detailed discussion that allows for critical thinking and evidence-based judgements without getting into subjective debates about mixed metaphors and semantics.
Other Universalist Traditions
There are currently two major universalist movements. Unitarian Universalism is the more western and Christian in origin, and the Baháʼí faith that came from Islamic traditions. Other than their cultural reference points, the major difference between the two is that Unitarianism is more come-as-you-are, while Baháʼí offers a more specific set of beliefs and practices that its followers learn and adhere to.
A more complete list of Universalist traditions with links to their websites, can be found on the Organizations page.
This is a mainstream theological interpretation in the modern age, so much so that even the Pope supports it! While it varies from congregation to congregation, most progressive Christian churches have universalism as their unofficial doctrine, if not their official one.
This author found the structure of Baháʼí more appealing than the Unitarian approach, since their creed includes things like adherence to science that makes their followers a bit more grounded. The Unitarian movement tends to attract and embrace people with some rather outlandish beliefs, and you are more likely to be shunned for calling out false beliefs than you are for having them.
Pantheistic Universalism a la metaculture
To distinguish metaculture from other Universalist and Pantheist traditions, as well as atheism, here are the key differences:
- Both pantheism and universalism are required, not one or the other.
- Fractals and the rules of logic represent the transcendent aspect of god
- Science is the only source of truth. If a belief disagrees with the evidence, follow the evidence.
- Religion is a source of inspiration, tradition, ritual, and practical wisdom, but not literal truth.
- Nature is a great source of inspiration and connection with the universe, but some self-identified pantheists can take this a bit... far. Love the Earth, but stay grounded.
- Dogma is avoided by making doctrine self-correcting rather than avoiding it.
- Panpsychism is optional. It's probably quantum woo but it doesn't impact your life choices.
It is a dogmatic rejection of all things supernatural or pseudoscientific, while dogmatically embracing the unity of the human endeavor across all times and cultures.
Say It Without All the God Stuff
If you have a secular mindset and thinking about things in terms of god and religion seems backwards to you, remember:
- The whole point is that we have a shared humanity and ethics
- You believe in the universe right? Just think "universe" every time you see "god"
- We are trying to meet people where they are and for billions that means religion
Does This Paper Over Differences in Religions?
Each religion has differences in belief and doctrine that can significantly impact the pattern of behaviors they generate. This has led some secular commentators to criticize specific doctrines of specific religions, sparking backlash from those with a postmodern mindset that prioritizes inclusivity as the highest virtue.
Making specific criticisms of religious beliefs is fraught and counterproductive, since it triggers tribalism and prevents persuasion. All of those criticisms are simply criticisms of dogma, so it's better to argue against it generally rather than comparing one dogma to another.
Can Science Prove That Universalism Makes Us Happy?
It should be possible to demonstrate the psychological benefits of universalist theology through experiment. Intuitively, it seems obvious that a belief in the oneness of humanity would have positive emotional benefits that lead to greater happiness and well-being. Belief in the universal in-group should also have many benefits to society in terms of cooperation and altruism.
Rational Universalism
There are many reasons that universalist theology should be embraced by anyone who wants to promote science, critical thinking, inclusivity, and opposition to war, even if they consider themselves an atheist. Here is a quick summary:
- Religion is the primary source of in-group and out-group identities in a culture, which are the psychological source of all division and conflict.
- A theology that sees all religions as part of the same in-group resolves this.
- It is much easier to persuade someone that god is universal than that god does not exist.
- If we agree that scripture is allegory, then there must be some common source that would cause every culture in history to develop religions.
- If all religions have a common source, this is a universalist perspective regardless of your belief in the supernatural.
- There is no fundamental incompatibility with materialism and science.
- Plus there are the psychological benefits to this belief, described above.
- It's simply a shift in perspective from "everyone is literally wrong" to "everyone is metaphorically right".
Uniting the Universalists
metaculture is a call to unite all Universalists, Baháʼí, Pantheists, Spiritual but Secular, Atheists, Agnostics, progressive Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and members of every Religion who reject Literalism and believe in the unity of god, the universe and the human spirit.
By creating a version of Pantheist Universalist theology that has no ties to pre-existing monotheistic traditions, is fully grounded in science and free of woo, has no cult of personality, and provides a method for doctrine to be self-correcting, we can create a unified movement that is culturally neutral, evolving, and potentially everlasting.
We are one love and one heart. Let's get together and feel alright.