Sierpinski Trinity

The Sierpiński Trinity is based on the Sierpiński triangle fractal and serves as a scientific analog to the Christian Trinity.
How can god simultaneously be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? How can they all be the same thing but yet separate and distinct? Because the trinity is really a fractal.
This is an example of Metaphor Mapping that is used throughout this wiki to provide grounded scientific corollaries to a variety of spiritual beliefs.

The Father = The Fractal
God the "Father" represents the transcendent aspect of god, represented by the fractal. The pattern it represents as a whole is also repeated within the three aspects of the Trinity. It is both the whole thing as well as an equal third of it. When you think of it like a fractal it makes much more sense.
The Father forms the generating equation for the universe and for evolution, creating the self-organizing pattern that guides the actions of everything that is.
In the Sierpinski Trinity, the Fractal is both the Whole and the First Component, the top of the pyramid and the whole whole thing simultaneously. As only the Fractal can do.
The Son = The Universe & Life
The "Son" represents the immanent aspect of god. The transcendent manifested in the creation of the material universe, as well as our evolved humanity. It represents the physical universe, biological life, and our existence as humans. It is the existence that the Father created in "his" image (the Fractal).
In the Sierpinski Trinity it is represented by the Atom.
The Holy Spirit = Consciousness, Morality, and The God Concept

The "Holy Spirit" represents the emergence of consciousness, and our evolved emotions and instincts that instill us with our our sense of morality and the wonder and joy of existence. It is manifested in the god concept, which self-organizes and enhances our connection to them.
In the Sierpinski Trinity it is represented by the Brain.
Let's examine how one Christian source [1] defines the functions of the Holy Spirit, and how these are manifested in the god concept.
- He lives within followers of Jesus and produces lasting change in their character. (Galatians 5:22-23)
The god concept, once formed in the the mind of the believer, forever changes their character.
- He teaches the truth about Jesus. (John 14:26)
The scientific god concept helps us learn about the universe and stay true to the evidence.
- He says what the Father tells Him to say. (John 16:13)
The morality instilled in us by creation through the process of evolution tells us what the universe wants us to do.
- He gives believers the power to share their faith. (Acts 1:8)
Once you form a god concept and realize how much of an impact it has on your happiness you will want to tell others about it.
- He produces God’s love in human hearts. (Romans 5:5)
By associating god with love and happiness and all good things in the universe, it will cause everything you see or do to increase that love in your heart.
- The Holy Spirit is a promise of the great things to come for those who trust God. (Ephesians 1:13-14)
The god concept enhances your ability to have faith in the goodness of the universe and optimism about life. This will make you happy.
- He gives people the skills and abilities they need to share God’s love; these are sometimes called “spiritual gifts.” (Hebrews 2:4)
By providing a steady supply of much-needed serotonin to the believer's brain, their mental and physical abilities will be enhanced by the god concept. You can also harness the power of the placebo effect for healing.
Three Videos
The Trinity explained from the traditional Christian perspective. The shortcomings of the triangle analogy that he describes are perfectly resolved by the fractal. If only someone had told him about fractals! So much better than the overlapping circle analogy he ends up with. Also, since people are simply the most complex iteration of the universal fractal, there is no reason you can't envision god as a person and have a conversation with them if that's your thing.
This gives the Biblical perspective with more animations and sound effects. It is an effective demonstration of how confusing it is to explain the relationship without using fractals.