
From metawiki
Revision as of 00:34, 25 January 2024 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs) (Tradition!)

This page is about the importance of maintaining Traditions through generations in order to connect with our ancestors and our history. As society transitions from the religious to the secular, many traditions are lost or abandoned by new generations that find them absurd and fail to appreciate their value without the religious belief to reinforce it.

metaculture seeks to preserve culture and tradition in the modern age by connecting it to scientific knowledge in a way that makes both more meaningful. This allows people whose brains live in the secular world to participate in the sacred without cognitive dissonance.

Unfortunately, if you want videos that emphasize the importance of traditions, you are going to get a lot of JP and JC. The secular community simply does not value tradition, ritual, and culture, the way that the religious community does. This is something metaculture seeks to remedy.

What is Traditional Knowledge?

Fiddler on the Roof - Tradition!