
From metawiki
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Technology makes the planet glow

The discussion of technology on this wiki will focus around the ethical concerns, and the establishment of legal frameworks and social norms that allow us to use technology in a way that maximizes its positive contribution to happiness and well-being and minimizes the negative consequences.

Technology Topics

Pages related to technology issues:

Technology and Taboo

The religion of the future should have a few commandments regarding technology.

Here's a serious example.

And some ideas with varying levels of seriousness.

  • Thou shall not scroll social media in an in-person meeting.
  • Thou shall backup thy data.
  • Thou shall not click the link if you do not recognize the domain, for it is phishing.
  • Thy algorithm shall not promote content that causes outrage.
  • Thou shall not bear false witness on social media.
  • Honor thy right to privacy and keep it holy.

Technological taboos are also needed to establish and enforce social norms on social media so they can serve their intended function without constantly being ruined by trolling and misinformation.

Teaching Technology

With rapidly advancing technology and widely varying levels of proficiency, continuing education about technology is essential to remain relevant in the job market, and for parents to be able to properly supervise children who are online. The Education page proposes a peer-to-peer continuing adult education model to make this accessible to anyone.

Part of this curriculum is being aware important new online trends so you can avoid being misinformed or grifted by them, since most online trends are one or the other or both. Trends in the online discourse, new slang and jargon, all need to be made made easily understood by those who aren't terminally online. Otherwise, it can be easy to miss when loved ones are dabbling in dangerous ideologies and bizarre subcultures that can lead them down a rabbit hole of addiction or hate.

This wiki attempts to do this, with pages like crypto-bros, manosphere, JP and JC, conspiracy theories, grift, platforms, outrage, trolling, algorithm, and future all highlighting trends in technology and online discourse that many may not be aware of, and are having a big negative influence on society.

How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media

The Ethical Implications of Technology

Videos discussing various ethical perspectives on technology and artificial intelligence.

The Center for Humane Technology is an organization dedicated to promoting these ideas, and their website is full of great resources related to social media, artificial intelligence, and creating social norms, incentives, and ethics that deal with them.

Does Technology Need to be Ethical?

AI Is Dangerous, but Not for the Reasons You Think

Ethics & Technology

How ethics will change the future of technology

Techno Music

Creative wiring has produced many cool beeps and beats.

I dream of wires

Daft Punk - Technologic

Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy (Full Album)