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Evolution is central to the scientific creation story. Understanding how evolution works is a necessary prerequisite to a working understanding of the scientific universe.

Fractals Help You Understand Evolution

The failure to understand evolution is one of the biggest hurdles for religious literalists. These failures boil down to the inability to see how complexity can arise from simplicity and randomness.

Fractals help bridge that gap in understanding and allow anyone to see how complex order can arise from simple, random processes over time.

  • Life is based on self-replication. This is meta, feedback loops, recursion, fractals
  • Fractals have infinite complexity, amazing symmetry and patterns, but come from simple equations repeated billions and billions of times. Evolution is the simple principle of replication and survival repeated over billions of generations and years.
  • Living systems use fractal patterns to create complex structures like our nervous and circulatory systems, or the structure of trees, with simple patterns, repeated.
  • Fractal geometry is the mathematics of growth and natural systems. Euclidean geometry is the mathematics of the man made. When Euclidean geometry is all you know, living systems appear impossibly complicated and could only be the result of design by a much higher intelligence. Once fractal geometry is learned the underlying simplicity of living systems is revealed, the evolution of intelligent life becomes an inevitability instead of a one in a quintillion random accident.

Punctuated Equilibrium

The concept of Punctuated Equilibrium is also an important prerequisite to the understanding of evolution. The natural tendency is to assume that change over time is gradual and consistent, which would produce a large number of transition fossils that clearly show how one species becomes another. However, this is not what we see in the fossil record, causing creationists to point to this as evidence against evolution.

Understanding Punctuated Equilibrium solves the cognitive dissonance caused by the lack of transition fossils and makes the acceptance of the reality of evolution much easier.

A favorite allegory for this process is a boulder in a river. The boulder might stay lodged tightly against some other rocks for thousands of years, when finally the water erodes a gap just big enough to dislodge it. At that point it may tumble and stop and tumble and stop many times over the next few days or years until it reaches another stable point where it will stay for the next thousand years. Punctuated Equilibrium is the same principle applied to evolution.