Reading List

From metawiki
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Just read this if you haven't already.

A comprehensive list of books that apply to all of the subjects discussed on this wiki would be impossible. That's called a Library.

However, this Goodreads Shelf lists the ones that contributed to, or most accurately describe, the belief system described here.

A Bachelor of Science with several elective courses in philosophy and psychology is also a solid foundation. However, if that was not your education, it is still possible to fill in the gaps with good books.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” -John Green

The Authors page lists the writers who are on the cutting edge of the science, spirituality, and consciousness discussion. Relevant books are also linked to directly from pages in the wiki.

Not a reader? The Podcast page conveys many of the same ideas in a format you can consume while driving or working out. Audiobooks are always an option, too.

Also check the Organizations page for online educational resources and advocacy groups that teach many of the key concepts.

It is safe to assume that the key ideas discussed in these books have been considered and assimilated into the body of work contained in this wiki. It should be apparent that some are meant for the consideration of alternative viewpoints, not an endorsement of all the ideas they contain.

While many very good fiction books are not included, a few that contribute significantly to modern philosophical discourse or Zeitgeist have been. Science fiction is especially adept at exploring the ethical implications of technological advancement in a way that non-fiction writers cannot, due to the necessity of wild speculation about the distant future.

The Want to Read List shows books that have been recommended by friends and other content creators during the course of researching this wiki but have not yet been read and reviewed by a contributor.

Why everyone stopped reading