Generating equation

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A fractal is based on a simple generating equation that is used to calculate its form. For example, the Mandelbrot set has a generating equation of z = z^2 + c. That equation, repeated infinitely, creates the infinitely complex pattern pictured here.

A slight change in the parameters of the generating equation can dramatically change the resulting fractal pattern. Anyone that has ever played with a Fractal Generator [1] [2] has seen these effects firsthand. If you've never tried it you absolutely must.

In the Creation of Life

DNA is the generating equation for living organisms. Small changes in our genes can have significant impacts on how our bodies form. Genes are read and replicated over trillions of iterations until we reach our final form. If you want to change the form or function of a living organism, it is much more effective to change its genes than to modify the fully grown body.

The laws of physics are the generating equation for the universe.

In Society

The rules built into our religious and legal systems are like the generating equation for our culture and society. And when we examine these rules we find that each of them is part of a pattern of rules, all based on the generating equation of our fundamental moral principles surrounding life and death.

The quality of life versus quantity of life dichotomy represents the two fundamental viewpoints about what the most important moral considerations in life are. Which one you prioritize determines your position on a wide variety of divisive issues. The are the generating equations for most progressive versus conservative viewpoints.

When attempting to make changes in society, it is much easier to change the generating equation behind people's opinion on a range of issues, rather than trying to influence them on individual issues. If you want people to support reproductive freedom, and sustainability, and racial equality, and universal health care, you can choose to ignore fundamentalist religion and debate each issue on its merits, or you can address the belief system at the core of people's identity that leads them to oppose things that would improve quality of life.

Focusing on the generating equation behind any set of beliefs is the best way to effect large-scale changes in society.

In Ourselves

Our belief systems form the generating equation for our souls, and the pattern of behavior it creates reverberates forever in the afterlife.