
The concept of Slack provides a necessary balance to the hustle culture of capitalism. It reminds us of the need to relax, take time off, and pursue leisure. These things are a necessary prerequisite to happiness.
It's basically the European model of capitalism, where you have for-profit business, but you still take the month of August off, and any other time you need too.
"The SubGenius must have Slack!"
This is one of the many mottos of the Church of the SubGenius, a parody religion with some countercultural renown in the 80s and 90s that was a significant contributor to the High Weirdness movement. [1][2]
"Repent! Quit your job! Slack off!"
If you don't believe in the C.O.N.S.P.I.R.A.C.Y, then riddle me this. The app used for messaging throughout the business world is called Slack. But the app used to communicate with fellow gamers, hobbyist, enthusiasts, and other leisurely pursuits is called Discord. Discord is named after the other major parody religion of High Weirdness, Discordianism! Why would there be not one but two messaging platforms named after High Weirdness parody religions? Why would the one used for business be called Slack? That's a conspiracy theory worthy of investigation!
See Time, Work, Happiness, Quality of life, Social Safety Net
Check out the SubGenius Wiki and or read the Book of the SubGenius.