
From metawiki

Evidence-based education is an established field of study working to determine best practices for teaching and education based on proven effectiveness in learning.

A Common Framework For All Subjects

However it's not enough just to teach students an array of disconnected facts about a variety of subjects. In order to really comprehend these concepts holistically, seeing how they relate to each other, to ourselves, and fit together as pieces of the universal puzzle, education must be undertaken with a clear picture of what that puzzle is depicting.

metaculture is designed to be that picture. The fractal serves as a visual representation of the universal whole, with everything it contains fitting into its simple yet infinitely complex pattern. The philosophical grounding in science, reason, critical thinking and universalism make it religiously and ideologically neutral, avoiding conflicts with church/state separation that a purely atheist or religious point of view would raise.

By giving children a vision of what the puzzle will look like when it's finished, children will learn much more easily and eagerly while building a meaningful vision of life's purpose and how to make the most of it.

Can We Learn From Videos?

Let's find out!

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