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Libertarianism is the preferred political ideology of the technological elites.

It purports to be concerned with maximizing freedom in both the political and economic spheres, but tends to be focused too much on the economic freedom of billionaires over the well-being of the general public.

metaculture has many roots in Libertarian philosophy. The notions of distributed power, self-organization of capital markets, and maximizing freedom, are all important components of political and economic best-practices.

Where the paths diverge is in the analysis of true freedom and the nuanced consideration of economic forces beyond our control other than taxation. Also in the ideological rigidity that free markets are the best solution to every problem, ignoring natural monopolies and perverse incentive structures in industries like healthcare and public utilities.

Striving to maximize freedom is a laudable goal. Thinking that the government is the only entity that can limit your freedom is short-sighted.