
From metawiki
Revision as of 18:28, 23 December 2023 by Fractalguy (talk | contribs)

In the early days of the Internet, there was so much optimism and idealism about what distributed networks could do.

Unfortunately, for many of them these ideals devolved into digital pyramid schemes that confuse arbitrarily inflated asset values with intellect, and enabling criminality with expanding freedom.

Techno-Optimism that once sought to solve the modern problems of humanity has turned into an objectivist, futurist fever-dream, using effective altruism to justify enriching themselves, and being more concerned about the happiness and well-being of future humans than those suffering in the here-and-now reality that their technologies are shaping.

Idealistic and intelligent technophiles are easily led astray once the money train rolls in. Regardless of whether the money comes from crypto, a successful IPO, or even just a high-paying tech job, the lure of self-justification through libertarianism has a very strong pull. Those who have failed to resist its siren song are herein referred to as Crypto-Bros.